Sunday, June 12, 2011

Becoming Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

"Realization happens only in the present moment. To be here fully, we must be willing to let go of the past and meet the future with open arms. That often means letting the doors that brought us here close behind us. Surrendering our past without knowing what the future will bring requires trust in ourselves, in others and in the nature of reality. When we can be fully present and aware in the midst of that apparent uncertainty, we are clearly guided to take the next step in our lives. In truth, it is a step-by-step journey. We may have a sense of where we are going, but we don't know exactly how or when we are going to get there. At each juncture in our experience, the next step is revealed to us. That is the way Grace unfolds."~ Paul Ferrini

(From Jennifer Grace's Monthly Book Recommendation, "Grace Unfolding: The Art of Living a Surrendered Life")

The only thing we ever can be certain of is the uncertainty of life. Nothing ever stays the same; our worlds are always in a constant flux and change. Sometimes there are more pronounced periods like these, when we experience the sharpness of the unknown. Perhaps if we have just begun or ended a romantic relationship, or new job, or are on the edge of stepping out of our comfort zone and into the unknown.

During these times, when we feel so unbelievably uncomfortable, is when we can cultivate mastering the art of letting go, the art of surrendering to what is. When we can stay with what is right in front of us and surrender to the unknown, we learn it doesn't matter what happens in the future because our lens is not focused on it - it is only focused on what is right in front of us. If we can find ways to become comfortable with being uncomfortable, we can move though these times with more freedom, power, and grace.

Meditation for many people can be very uncomfortable. Even for those of us who have a daily practice, we get uncomfortable too. We want to itch, scratch, and run from our stillness. We want to do something. Yet the timer has not gone off, so we sit there, uncomfortable, waiting for things to be different. If we can pass thorough those moments when we want to run, we can get to the other side of being uncomfortable, we can find peace in staying with what is.

Meditation is the best playing ground for cultivating surrender and for becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable. It translates off of the cushion and into our lives each day when in our lives we want to run, or know what the outcome will be. It helps us gently just be in the moment with out having to do anything. It trains us to be spiritual warriors who can walk powerfully though life on the thin line of uncertainty. It assists us in surrendering to complete trust that at all times the universe is conspiring with us.

This Week's "Be With":

Be Uncomfortable

When you're feeling uncomfortable, don't run or create distractions from it as you might do ordinarily. Let moments of uncomfortable silence stretch out between you and a loved one with out trying to fill them with unnecessary chatter. Try on trusting in the unknown, and feeling more okay with not knowing exactly how things will work out, but knowing that they always do.

Create some quiet time to sit in meditation for 10 minutes a day this week. Just be with it without trying to figure out if you are doing it wrong or right. Just sit in a chair or on a cushion with your eyes closed (set a timer so you do not need to keep checking) and just sit with yourself. When you want to get up and run...don't. Just notice how you feel, and see if you can pass though it. Let your thoughts come and go, keep following your breath in and out...just becoming comfortable with being uncomfortable.

For more Information about Jennifer Grace visit:

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