Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Call of Your Soul

"What will you do with this one wild and precious life?"
- Mary Oliver

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
Your Life.
Your Life who?
Your life you keep
forgetting to live!

How many times have we heard the "knock" and just kept ignoring it? First it comes almost as a quiet tapping on the door, a little "you hoo...anyone home?" It's faint, it's gentle, and it can easily be drowned out by the distractions of our lives. We hear it, but we just keep on going - living our lie - because deep down we are simply scared out of our minds to open the darn door.

Then it gets louder, and we have to turn the music of our distractions up - way up - so we don't hear it, and that works for a little while longer. But alas, it wants to be heard, and that's when all heck breaks loose, and we get hit over the head with the kitchen frying pan. That frying pan that smacks us awake can come in many forms: cancer, car accidents, heartbreaks, losses. The Universe sees that we are not listening so it decides to shake us up a bit, and finally we pay attention. Well, at least some of us do. That knock on the door is our soul telling us that we are in the wrong job, wrong relationship, wrong city, that we are not being good to our bodies, that we are not honoring our creative passion, that we are not living a life of purpose and joy. That knock is the knock of our soul, trying to get us to understand that we are not in alignment with whom we truly are and that it is time to face the music and start living our truth.

Sometimes we know our soul is knocking but we don't have clarity of the mind to know how to answer its calling. We don't understand what it is asking us to do. When those times have happened in my life I have turned to my journal for the answers. My journal has been the place that has helped me time and time again to unearth the truth of what I really want, and what I really need.

This Week's "Be With"
Ask yourself: Is there a knock on my door of life that is going unanswered?

Try journaling for 5 timed minutes every morning this week in a stream of consciousness (meaning don't stop writing for 5 minutes) using the seven prompts below. You can write one a day at the top of your journal page and respond to:

1. What do I really want?
2. What am I afraid of?
3. The things I need to accept are...
and, the things I need to change are...
4. What do I need?
5. Who am I?
6. What are my greatest gifts and talents?
7. If I could pause my life for one year and come
back to it exactly as I left it, what would I do
with that year?

For more information on Jennifer Grace please visit: